
Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Restorative justice can be defined as a form of response to the crime involving the victim, the perpetrator and the community in seeking voluntary solutions to the destructive effects of the offence and ways of repairing its consequences, so as to strengthen the sense of collective security. Sharing the importance of restorative justice in criminal justice, which is also recognised by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union, the "Federico Stella" Graduate School of Criminal Justice devotes particular attention to this issue, constantly exploring the stimuli for the renewal of the criminal justice system that can come from restorative justice practices. We also consider it of great interest to evaluate the interconnections between this model of response to crime and the criminal policy strategies for the prevention of corporate crime. Also in the field of corporate criminal liability, in fact, the experience of restorative justice can prove extremely promising, in view of regulatory models and compliance systems characterised by cooperative, consensual and dynamic approaches, capable of fostering not only formal adherence to the rules and therefore more than others of stimulating a corporate culture decidedly oriented towards legality. Restorative justice practices, then, are part of the broad international framework of alternative dispute resolution, having significant lessons to offer to all types of complex organisations.

Re-Justice: Judicial Training in Restorative Justice

Re-Justice: Judicial Training in Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change

Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change






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