Organised crime
In recent years, the changing and expansive nature of the crime of profit and its intersections with organised crime has imposed a profound revision of prevention and repression strategies, now at the centre of the debate due to the significant regulatory changes that have taken place in the meantime (one for all, Legislative Decree no. 159 of 6 September 2011, Code of Anti-Mafia Laws and Prevention Measures, also subject to continuous reform) and which have opened up, alongside undeniable opportunities, a set of application problems that are difficult to resolve.
The "Federico Stella" Graduate School Criminal Justice (ASGP) of Università Cattolica has gained important cognitive and training experience in the field of organised crime, also thanks to a constant collaboration - structured in specific Conventions - with the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-terrorism Prosecutor's Office, the Court of Milan, the National Agency for the Administration and Destination of Assets Seized and Confiscated from Organised Crime (ANBSC), the Bank of Italy (Milan branch), the Milan Bar Association and the Milan Chamber of Certified Public Accountants and Bookkeepers, as well as with local authorities (including an important project with the Lombardy Region in 2015), aimed at implementing a greater awareness of the discipline in the reuse of confiscated assets in the social fabric.
Among the most important initiatives organised by the ASGP is the Advanced Training Course for Judicial Directors of Seized and Confiscated Assets and Companies, which responds to the need to train professional figures able to deal with the problems posed by the Anti-Mafia Code in the management and destination of confiscated assets, contributing to strengthening the culture of legality in the economic field and, at the same time, enabling the acquisition of managerial skills necessary for the management of assets, often large and potentially productive, to be reintegrated into the legitimate economy.
This Course, like the other training offers constantly implemented by the Graduate School, is animated by a spirit of interdisciplinary and inter-professionalism, enhancing a fruitful collaboration among representatives of companies, professions, and institutions. Only by means of interventions adopted in concert with the various interlocutors can effectively instruments for the prevention and repression of a widespread and endemic phenomenon such as organised crime be prepared.